Thursday, August 20, 2009

Shaping Up

I've been thinking for a while about joining a gym--the local rec is just not cutting it! I mean who wants to work out facing a freaking wall?? Even if it's free! 

So I went by the local gym today to see about prices. As part of my benefit package my employer will pay a certain amount for such things, and this gym gives me a discount since the hubs is a local teacher. So the price is really good (of course they did try to sign me up for a personal trainer for $300!). But the commitment is a little scary.

I'm not known as the work out type of gal. I'd rather be tricked into it! Like a hike. Or dance worked real well in high school but my aging body has already made it clear that's no longer an option. Dance was also really great cause it was fun and different all the time. And it was called a dance studio rather than a gym :) 

But I've decided to be committed.  I'm putting some money on the line and getting my butt (bigger than it used to be!) in gear!  Or that's the plan at least!

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