Monday, June 8, 2009

Unexpected Things

These are things I did not expect this weekend...

I did not expect to love Boulder so much. I loved everything about it. The houses, the flowers, the shopping, the food, the sunny weather sans humidity, and the gorgeous view from campus.

I did not expect there to be a farter at the reception. Maybe that's too much information, and if it is you might want to stop reading now. But some horrible, nose-burning smells began wafting our way during dinner. We hoped it wasn't one of our friends with a leaking problem, and thankfully it turned out to be the man in the yellow shirt and black vest. He succeeded in clearing our table and the dance floor a couple of times. It was bad!

I also did not expect to see dancing the reminded me of my 'glory days' at Cotton Eyed Joes in high school. I don't think I could conjure up those moves anymore even if I wanted to!

And speaking of high school, I did not expect to run into our good friend from high school at the bar we went to after the reception. It was a great surprise! We really have a great group that still keeps in touch so to add this friend to the mix made it even more fun. 

I didn't expect our connecting plane from Chicago to Small Town, Virgina to be so tiny. I've been on some small plans before but wow! It was a total of three seats per row!

And finally I did not expect tidal wave of humidity to hit me as we climbed (yes we used the plane's stairs!) off...

Oh Colorado, how I miss thee!

1 comment:

  1. I have been wanting to at least go to, if not live in, Colorado for a long time now...I am a little weary of being landlocked though.
